ATTENTION NEWCOMERS! - ...about registration and language...
Welcome to our Forums. Here some VERY IMPRORTANT Infos for you, about Registration and Language.
1) you need to be registered, to use this forums (be sure, your emailprovider ISNT blocking our domain!!).
2) maybe it will take up to 24h to gain access, cause the registration-process will be controlled by the admistrators. please be patience.
3) after finishing the "full" registration-process, you can switch the board into english. follow this steps:
click on "Persönliche Einstellungen".
click on "Accountoptionen".
select there "English".
SAVE it.
now the Forums are English.
If you have any other Questions or problems, feel free to join our chats and contact the admins or write a email to me.
Thanks for reading, your Webmaster & Admin